For YOU #2
Say YES to GRACE and NO to the curse!
Enhancing Your Prayer Life
By Veronica Winston
Keep it simple. God delights in hearing the prayers of the righteous (Proverbs 15:8, I Peter 3:12). You need not wait until you've taken a prayer course to have a conversation with our Heavenly Father. Talk with Him as a friend. Confide in Him and expect Him to answer your prayers.
There are three basic categories of prayer (even though there are many different kinds of prayer), and you may want to include each one in your daily prayer time:
Relationship Building Prayers
This is where our intimate relationship with God is nurtured. During this time, we express our thanksgiving, praise, worship and adoration for God. We fellowship with Him, talk to Him as a friend, sing praises to Him and sometimes quietly wait in His presence.
This relationship building phase of prayer keeps the soil of our hearts fertile and ready to receive His Word and His guidance. It is here that we express repentance for our sins. We pour out our heart to God and express our love for and trust in Him even in the midst of difficult situations. We reaffirm our commitment to serving Him and renew our determination to remain steadfast and unwavering, for He is faithful to fulfill His promises.
Prayer of Petition
I John 5:14,15 assures us that God will grant our petitions when we ask according to His will. What is His will? His Word, the Holy Bible. When we ourselves have needs, we can search the scriptures to see what God has promised us (or has already granted us as our inheritance in Christ Jesus) and pray according to Mark 11:24 - believe we receive it and we shall have it. Some call this the "prayer of faith", but of course every prayer should be prayed in faith. We should be specific in our requests. We need not pray "if it be Thy will" because we know God's will from His Word.
Prayer of Intercession
The Bible states that both Jesus (Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:34) and the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26) make intercession for us, and that God is looking for intercessors to "stand in the gap" or to pray to Him on behalf of others. God wants us to ask so He can answer (Psalm 2:8). Intercession begins in the heart of God and He places His desires in our hearts to pray for an individual, city, nation, etc. He wants us to pray with hearts of love and compassion, even sometimes weeping and travailing. Sometimes when a feeling of being lost or depressed comes upon us, it is actually a signal that someone is in need of prayer to get the breakthrough. It may take minutes, hours, days or longer, praying as God brings it back to you. For God to fulfill His purpose and plan in the earth, He needs praying people - ones who are willing to lay down their lives for others.
Practical Tips for Prayer
Set a regular time and place for daily prayer. Trying to "fit it in" around your schedule can rob you of this time. Even if you start with fifteen or thirty minutes, as your consistency builds, you will begin to see a definite change in your days. (I look at my morning prayer time as "seedtime". Once I've sown the right seeds, I get a full days' harvest of the Word of God working on my behalf.)
Get a notebook - spiral or three-ring, whichever works best for you. (I use both.) When you become aware of something that you want to pray about, you'll have a central location to write it down, and you won't have to search through little bits of paper stuck in your Bible, desk, or kitchen drawer. As you study your Bible daily, God sometimes enlightens a scripture to you that really speaks to your heart. Jot it down and make a point to meditate upon it to get a fuller understanding of what God is saying. God may speak to you during or after prayer. Write down the impressions He places on your heart. When you keep a journal it helps you to see how God has communicated with you over a period of time, and when events take place you can go back to your journal and praise God that He used you to pray for that to come to pass.
As you read God's Word, you may come across scriptures that nudge at your heart because they relate so closely to what you've been praying for. Write it down, so the next time you pray you can thank God for the answer, which lines up with His Word.
Make sure you allocate time daily for Bible reading/study/meditation also. If you don't know where to start, you may want to purchase a "How to Study the Bible" paperback, and follow their suggestions. You don't have to be locked into any one way. Try several ways to see what works for you. Examples:
Read three chapters a day.
Read one chapter a day and choose a certain passage of scripture to study in detail and meditate upon.
After reading, choose one scripture to memorize (at least one per week) and consider and visualize how this should impact your life as you act on this verse.
I recommend that you get a concordance and study different verses on a particular topic, person or event. This type of study is useful to find scripture promises or to build your faith in a particular area.
Another way to begin your study is to read one chapter of Proverbs a day; or one or two Psalms a day. However you study, just make sure you're getting your "minimum daily requirement" of spiritual bread each day.
· Study different people in the Bible and what they prayed in various circumstances, and see how God answered them. Here are a few:
Ephesians 1:15-23, 3:14- John 17 Genesis 18:22-33 I Samuel 1:9-18 Acts 4:23-31 II Chronicles 20:1-30 II Chronicles 6:12-7:22 Nehemiah 1 and 2:14 | Paul praying for the church |
· Pray and study the Bible with a goal or purpose in mind. Instead of spending your 15 to 30 minutes as a duty, ask God what He wants you to pray for, or pause to think about family members or those in your church or work environment who need a touch from God. Of course, we should keep our nation and our leaders in prayer, as well as our pastor and local church, the body of Christ and the lost (I Timothy 2:1-4).
· Consider purchasing a book on prayer. There are so many good ones on the market. As you read, choose one or two things at a time to apply to your own prayer life. Make sure that you continue to pray and don't just read about prayer! Most of the prayer warriors I've read about didn't learn from a book. They learned by spending time with God in prayer and fellowship.
· Get filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and pray "in the Spirit" daily to build up your spirit man (Jude 20). Every new testament writer spoke in tongues, and the writer God used the most prayed in tongues more than anyone else (I Corinthians 14:2-4, 14,18). One benefit of praying in tongues is that we pray the perfect will of God, and God is able to go to the root of a problem even when you didn't have the foggiest idea of what it was.
The Art of Prayer, Bible Prayer Study Course, Prayer Secrets, The Art of Intercession, Praying to Get Results, Prevailing Prayer to Peace
By Kenneth E. Hagin, Kenneth Hagin Ministries, P.O. Box 50126, Tulsa, OK 74150-0126
Prayer Your Foundation for Success
By Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001
Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer, Jesus Our Intercessor
By Charles Capps, Charles Capps Ministries, P.O. Box 69, England, AR 72046
Confession for the Unsaved Spouse
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that the love of God has been poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit Who has been given to me. The love of and for you, Father, has been perfected and completed in me.
Father, I am Your child, and I commit to walk in the God-kind of love. Since You love me, I know that You love (my spouse) also, for we are one in Your love.
Father, we all have sinned and come short of your glory. Therefore, I confess and acknowledge my sins to You and ask for Your forgiveness. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness, in the Name of Jesus. I NOW freely and fully forgive (my spouse) and place (my spouse) in Your care, because of Your forgiving love. I cast all hurts, criticisms, condemnations, judgments, unforgiveness, and fears on Jesus Christ to be healed, cleansed and made whole - for both of us.
I consider (my spouse) in our marital relationship. I realize that we are one, and joint-heirs to the throne with Jesus, spiritually; so that our prayers will not be hindered.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I NOW rebuke, bind, and curse all satanic attacks assigned against us; and they dry up and die - as the fig tree. I plead the blood of Jesus over (my spouse), over myself, and over our home, in Jesus' Name.
As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord! Our house shall be called a "House of Prayer". Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
We are always here for you
Daily Spiritual Warfare Confession
To Build Up Your Inner Man
Father God, this day I release words of faith into the earth, spiritual seed that bring both a spiritual harvest, and a natural, physical manifestation into my life.
I have no cares for I cast the whole of my cares over on Jesus, for He cares for me. I have no heavy burdens because I've taken Jesus' yoke which is easy and His burden which is light.
I will not allow my soul to be cast down for I put my hope and trust in God. I am above only and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail. I'm blessed coming in and blessed going out.
I am one spirit with God and I abide in Him always. I have the mind of Jesus Christ and the wisdom of God flows in me and through me. My body is the temple of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, for the fullness of God dwells in me.
I tread upon serpents and scorpions and I exercise righteous authority over all the power of the enemy. Nothing shall by any means hurt me. I am skilled in the word of righteousness and I call things that be not as though they were. I will not fear what man or spirit can do unto me because no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Any tongue that rises against me in judgment shall be condemned.
The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ covers my spirit, soul and body, and has sanctified me and separated me from the world, the flesh and the devil. I not only have my senses exercised to discern both good and evil, but I aggressively come against the kingdom of darkness and spoil every plot and scheme satan has waged against me and those around me. I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.
I take my shield of faith and quench satan's every fiery dart. I will not be distracted from doing the will of God, and I will not stray to the left hand or to the right. I have sound judgment and discretion and I refuse to be deceived by satan in any way.
My mind is sharp and my spirit is keenly sensitive to disturbances in the spirit realm. I watch and pray and prevent evil from taking place because the Holy Spirit shows me things to come. I am equipped with spiritual armor and weaponry and I am never caught off guard by the wicked one.
I sow fruits of righteousness and will never back down from the truth. I am bold as a lion and I refuse to be intimidated by the enemy.
All things are mine and I exercise dominion over the earth. I reign in life by Jesus Christ through grace and righteousness. My love weapon casts out fear and I aggressively love others unconditionally. For love never fails!
All of my days are filled with abundance and prosperity because Jesus is Lord over all. I choose to be a vessel through which His will can be done in the earth. In Jesus' Name, Amen!