Taken from pages 439-441 of Prayers That Avail Much Commemorative Gift Edition, © 1997 by Word Ministries, Inc.
Prayer for a Teenager
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I affirm Your Word over my teenager. I commit him/her to you and delight myself also in You. I thank You that You deliver out of rebellion into right relationship with his/her parents.
Father, the first commandment with a promise is to the child who obeys his parents in the Lord. You said that all will be well with him and he will live long on the earth. I affirm this promise on behalf of my child asking You to give him an obedient spirit that he may honor (esteem and value as precious) those in right authority over him.
Father, forgive me for mistakes I made out of my own unresolved hurts or selfishness which may have caused him hurt. I release the anointing that is upon Jesus to bind up and heal our broken hearts. Give us the ability to understand and forgive one another as God for Christ's sake has forgiven us. Thank You for the Holy Spirit Who leads us into all truth and corrects erroneous perceptions about past or present situations.
Thank You for teaching us to listen to each other and giving him an ear that hears admonition for then he will be called wise. I affirm that I will speak excellent and princely things and the opening of my lips shall be for right things. Father, I commit to train and teach him in the way that he is to go and when he is old he will not depart from sound doctrine and teaching, but will follow it all the days of his life. In the Name of Jesus, I command rebellion to be far from the heart of my teenager and confess that he is willing and obedient, free to enjoy the reward of Your promises. He shall be peaceful bringing peace to others.
Father, according to Your Word we have been given the ministry of reconciliation and I release this ministry and the word of reconciliation into this family situation. I refuse to provoke or irritate or fret my child. I will not be hard on him lest he becomes discouraged, feeling inferior and frustrated. I will not break his spirit in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Father, I forgive my teenager for the wrongs which he has done and stand in the gap until he comes to his senses and escapes out of the snare of the enemy (rebellion). Thank You for watching over Your Word to perform it, turning and reconciling the heart of the rebellious child to the parents and the hearts of the parents to the child. Thank You for bringing my teenager back into a healthy relationship with You and with me that our lives might glorify You!
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Prayer for Husbands to Confess
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I take Your Word and confess this day that I hearken to Your wisdom. My wife and I dwell securely in confident trust, and we are without fear or dread of evil. I make my ears attentive to skillful and godly wisdom, inclining and directing my heart and mind to understanding. I apply all of my power to the quest of wisdom and understanding.
I let not mercy, kindness and truth forsake me. I bind them about my neck and write them on the tablet of my heart. I prize the wisdom of God highly and exalt her. She will exalt and promote me, bringing me honor because I embrace her. For You, Lord, are my confidence, firm and strong, and You keep my foot from being caught in a trap or hidden danger.
Where I go, the Word of God shall lead me. When I sleep, it shall keep me. When I awaken, it shall talk to me. Therefore, I will speak excellent and princely things, and the opening of my lips shall be for right things. All the words of my mouth are righteous - upright and in right standing with God - and there is nothing contrary to truth or crooked in them.
I live considerately with my wife, with an intelligent recognition of our marriage relationship. I honor my wife as physically the weaker. However, I realize that we are joint-heirs to the throne with Jesus spiritually. I do this in order that our prayers will not be hindered or cut off.
I confess that my wife and I are of one and the same mind, united in spirit, compassionate and courteous, tenderhearted and humble minded. I believe for our welfare, happiness, and protection, because we love and respect each other.
Father, thank You that we are a couple of good report, that we are successful in everything we set our hands to. We are uncompromisingly righteous. We capture human lives for You as fishers of men. As we do this, we are confident that You are the Lord God Who teaches us to profit and leads us in the way we should go. We are abundantly supplied, with every need met, in the Name of Jesus. We have obtained the favor of the Lord, and the will of God is done in our lives and in our children's lives. We plaed the blood of Jesus over our home.