The PLAN of Man and Woman
Your Purpose in Life
God’s plan has always been for life here on earth to be just like His life is in heaven. That is the reason that we pray "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". God wanted for us to be family. He wanted for us to be as committed to each other as much as He is to us. God never intended for you to lose. You were made in the very image of God with the intent of never missing the mark, never lacking and never failing at anything you want to do.
We are separated by our beliefs and our actions. Our differences and our similarities are designed to attract us together. We must look at these things to understand why (after marriage, commitment) we allow failure to enter because we feel the difference is so great. Let’s look at how God created both male and female.
Females were created by God to honor and build up her man (husband). Her goals are to marry, have a family life, and to have a Godly covering by her mate (which makes her complete). She is warm, sensible, and has the ability to see all things thru a different viewpoint. Love to her is measured by time, words, actions and the total of what is shown to her. Because females have not seen Godly Father roles for long periods of time there are areas that have been unfulfilled for years. They tend to marry males like their fathers (they chase woman, drink, beat their woman, show no respect to them). In today society with woman working outside the house there is no female to show her or tell her what a Godly man is all about. The Bible clearly tells us that are to be trained by Godly older women in the Church that are in the Word. We in the Church and ministry have failed to teach this also. This one of the many reasons that many Christian marriages have failed. Females enjoy a strong, honorable, and mature man. Now it is time for us to teach females not to take care of a man, but to encourage the man to fulfill his Godly role.
Males are created by God to show love to his wife and not be cruel. He needs to love his woman (wife). She makes him complete. The man measures her love (commitment) for him by how well she pleases him. Because males look for pleasure, sometimes he fails see beyond the sex. As stated before sex sins seem to be leading even among the saints. This why the devil sends she-devils (ungodly women) that will give the sex but have no love for him!! These kinds of relationships are designed to remove all trust in him. Trust is a must in maintaining faith. To overcome this lack of trust, males must learn to share with their wife. Not only with money but, time, thoughts and plans of every little area of life. This is how a man treats a Godly woman. Many times males treat ungodly women better than they treat women in the Church. The male does not know who she is or who he is. He must know who he is. He must learn what his maker has said about him, marriage and family. The Word states that a good man must be ready to welcome guest, love what is good, be wise, live right, and be holy and self-controlled. We have failed many times to inform our young men of the things the Word clearly says. Many times this has been because we have not known these things either.
Families are God’s way of instructing and completing us into the image of Him thru the Word. When we use the Word as our instruction book and final word in our life, we are assured that His promise will come to past. Being a family takes a lot of commitment. Without the Word that leads in the way of peace (nothing missing, lacking, failing or broken) commitment is really impossible. Even a worldly person (a person who says he don’t need God) knows not to stay in something that is not working. The Word works when nothing else will. The Bible tells us how to raise our children, how to get money, how to love your mate, how to get a godly mate, what to do when we miss it, and how to recover what you lost or gave away. The Word will remove shame and replace it with faith. Let us not forget the main thing, it takes a lot of work.
Words are building blocks of which you construct your life and future. Your words set the marks (cornerstones) of your life. You will always live within the confines of the boundary you create with your words. Families with their conditions are all subject to change! Your words must support them. Your words will establish them forever. God’s word with the support of your own words will change any situation for the better. Your immune system can be changed for the better. God’s Word is vital to your health. We must learn to speak God’s language of health to cure diseases. The Word engrafted into our everyday affirmation will build into our immune system an anointing that will shut sickness and disease off from its life source.
We believe what you speak effects your spirit, soul and body, either good or evil. Jesus put it this way, ”A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil deposit of his heart brings forth that which is evil:
I pray that this letter finds you in the overflow and living a life of victory. I know that many of you are in the middle of things or going thru some things to get to the other side. You are still winning! Because you are leaders and a part of this Ministry it does seem hard at time. James 3:1 states this (Amplified version) Not many of you should become teachers [self-constituted censor and reprovers of other], my brethren, for you know that we [teacher] will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity [than other people]. -Thus we assume the greater accountability and the more condemnation. You are not just regular Christians 1 John 5:1, Every one who believe-adheres to, trust in and relies [on that fact]-that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, is a born-again child of God; and every one who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him-His offspring. Well you know that that you are not one of those people who just what to get by until you get to heaven. Faith is now. This is why love supports most of your ideas.
Some people listen to Christian radio and television all the time and do not realize what is going on. They listen to this one say this and than turn right back around and hear another one say completely opposite of what the other has said. This makes them doubled mind and they wonder why they cannot receive anything good and long lasting from God. When we become of a doubled mind you become unstable in all your ways. Please refer to the article on confidence we discussed earlier Christian radio and television are in the business that SELL time to who ever have the money. You must protect you faith diet. If you believe for God to do something in your life, your family, your ministry that is the last thing you should do. We are thankful for Christian radio and television. They are tools to be used by us to maintain our diet, but not our complete source.
We all like new ministries and going to a new level. We as believer must learn to try the Spirit by the Spirit of God. Many times because of lack, past failure, and low self-esteem we want things quickly. Only to find out that we really were not ready for them. We start believing if I connect with this ministry or that one, every thing will be all right. Paul tells us that as our soul prosper than we will prosper. This mean as you understand and apply the Word of God in areas of your life, you will excel in the quality of life you are living.
I want you to be encouraged today because just as you have ‘father ‘ in the ministry, you are growing to a new level and becoming “father” yourself. Just like when someone took you by the hand and prayed you thru, now it is your turn to carry them thru. Like reproduce like. The Lord is doing a quick work in you.
Another area that is running rapid in a few, is misunderstanding. Today there are more misunderstandings because there is more blessing released than ever before. God has declared this year of overflow. Many have not did what was necessary to enter in. Misunderstandings keep us from binding and loosing on the earth the way that the Church was intended to operate. To explain, let us look to the Word. Matt 18:18-20 states: Assuredly I say to you, whatever you bind in earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it(what they ask) will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matt. 16:18-19 states this And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock (revealed knowledge) I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the KEYS of the kingdom of heaven (which you are seated in), and whatever YOU bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. When we understand that WE have power in heaven (our words agreeing with Gods words). As we agree with each other we release God’s best on the earth. When we have misunderstanding in our life, we release (because of strife) every evil work into our life and the earth as a whole.
Ezekiel 34: 6 States: My sheep wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.
Vs 11-12: For thus says the Lord God: ‘Indeed I Myself will search for my sheep and seek them out. As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his scattered sheep, so will I seek out My sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day.
Misunderstanding cause loves to be scattered and make each party open to attack. Families, ministries, and communities break up and leave 7 condition on the earth unsolved. Conditions of Scattered Sheep
No spiritual direction for the group affected.
Victim are lonely
People become discouraged
Victim are prey for demonic oppression
Hurt and wounded
They feel condemned
They are spiritually hungry
How to be Compassionate:
Repent: Clear up misunderstandings, bad speaking about people, etc
Pray the 7 conditions of conditions of Scattered Sheep
Practice letting the Holy Spirit lead you (ex: shake hands, Sense the Holy Spirit)
Minister to the 4 Heart felt needs: (this is what you can do for them)
a. Need to be unconditionally accepted: not agreeing with sin, but use love
b. Need to be valued and appreciated: make them for feel important
c. Need to belong: Show them that they are Loved
d. Need to be needed: remind them that they are needed.
We must select the good of God. By selecting the good things God has provided for us, we are line up with the will. You were created by God to solve a problem on this earth. Do you know what God has created you to solve? Every one has special abilities, ref. 1 Corinthians 12. Find your special ability and earnestly seek God’s will for your life. Let nothing hold you back!
When I choose not to walk in love, I am going to cause others to hurt as well as myself. Faith works by Love. I must walk in Love in order to get done what God created me to do. No one else can affect your family, your church, and your community like you can. When I make others repeat themselves, I never had the intention of hearing them in the first. This is for them that want more out of life.
God is love! It is always better to do what is right. When we do that which is right, in due time, we shall reap a harvest. As we do that what is right, we store up do-good blessing when we need them the most. How many do- good blessing do you have stored up? Never let other determines how you will treat them; always do that which is right.
It is always better to do what is right in the sight of God.
In closing, let’s look at John 15:11
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full (to the overflow).”
John 16:1 states:
“ These things I write to you, that you should not be made to stumble.”