Some more Word
From My Heart to Yours
Many of you face things that seems like you cannot or will not overcome. You go from one bad relationship to another, one bad business deal to another, and one health problem to another. You pray only when things are bad & forget that God wants to hear from you everyday. We get busy and completely forget our 3 steps or our 7 steps to breakthrough. Because of that, most of the time when things are good, you act mostly like the unsaved or a secret christian. You make promises to people but do not keep them. I know that is not the way you truly are because most of you confess, "I do not know why I did that". Because we get low on our Word level, we allow the enemy to place thoughts in our mind just before we rise up for the day. The Bible instructs us to rise early and get instruction from the Lord. The first thought on your mind will carry you all day. This is why the enemy wants your first thought of the day.
We want change but do not realize the season of life we are in. Most of us are just on the defense. We have forgotten Gen. 8:22;"From henceforth, while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Let us look at this, the earth remains, we compare the earth to your life (the substance) here on earth. Most commonly we call this your garden of life.We have learned how to break up things in our heart and how to prepare for the seed of Word of God in our heart (ex: forgiveness, praying for those who hurt us, etc.). Many have planted those seeds and are now ready for the 4 seasons we call harvest.
Your 4 seasons harvest plan consists of:
1. Sowing season- many times for a continuous harvest you must plant so that when the first end the next is beginning.
2. Watering season - we do this by praying in the spirit and saying confessions over our seeds. To insure rapid results set up a monthly plan.
3. Weeding season – this is to keep out thoughts of failure. Keep your mouth filled with the Word of God. Say what God says about what you are in. Be positive and believe for favor.
4. Harvest season – Having more than enough.
Is this your sowing season, your watering and weeding season, or your storehouse season? Only you and the Lord know where you are. In the next few pages I will be addressing how to excel in these seasons of life.
Cold and heat are the next things to overcome. We must learn to make the right choices. The right choice means bright future, bad choice means sad future. This is where our last teaching comes in. We must be consistent in our stance. During this period you will be tested in your love walk. You will have people work (worm) their way into your life. They will use things like pride, making it ever so hot for you. they will also say things like you do everything right; The Lord must have sent you, I need what the Lord has put on you. etc. The other side of this is being lie on misunderstood, left out, and just really having low self esteem. During this time look for your best friend to forsake you. Mark chapter 4 tells us that this action is only used to get the Word out of you. Know your enemy!
Winter and summer refers to length of day (time). The lesson to be learned here is that the race is not given to the swift but to him that is willing to last as long as it take. If it was easy, everybody would be giants. That is why you have been chosen to be His follower. You can do it!
Day and night can best be explained in Mark 4:26-29. I am going to key in on 4:27 “and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how.” You keep on walking by faith believing that the Lord sees everything that you do. Your good works will be rewarded.
Why do we lack the ability to realize that if we start out in a relationship, business deal or health situation with sin (act or deed), we will not have God's best every time. Is a piece of a relationship, a job or limited health enough for the born again holy ghost believer? Jesus makes you whole. What does the Word say about how we are to act? Do we have sex and not be married? Even in some Church, they have accepted that a relationship must have sex. This is not meant to condemn but to correct. God has intended for us to have the abundant life. Failure is not an option.
Do we conduct business with someone who lies to their mate- the closest thing to them? You know business is business. Or do we eat all the wrong food and then go to church crying out for pray? Not so for those who truly love God & walk in His Word.
These are things that our children’s have seen some of us do. We will never reach them (The ones we sin with and our children), if we continue in this way of life. They (The ones we sin with and our children) think we are a fool (the Word has no effect) when they are not even saved and they know better than that. What season are you in? Do the people that we are involved with think we are for real and want your God or do they think that you are fake? The people you do business with, do they believe that if they do you right that God will bless their business? Do the Doctor see you coming and get glad because the burden remover has just walked in? These posting are for the strong, mature believers who want total victory, no more repeating the same test. You want a mate, that are on meat, full grown in the spirit. If you are not there yet, pray and ask God to order your steps. We am moving keep up with us. (smile)
As always, “But the fruit ofth Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control. Against such there is no law. We love you and want only the very best for you.
LIFE in action
Stress, problems, situations, and troubles are all signs of Pressure. Pressure at work, pressure in your marriage or relationship, pressure in your finances, pressure in the inner you, many of us are faced with pressure every second of our day. We will either be under it or it will be under our feet. Pressure is design to mold you into what the Word says you are not. In other words, Pressure is a force the Devil uses to (attempts to) devour you. Pressure is nothing more than Satan’s way of trying to influence your thinking (As a man think about himself or his circumstance - so is he), trying to get you to doubt God’s love and concern He has for you. Satan job is to paralyze you and keep you from being fruitful and productive in your life and ministry. Pressure can and will paralyze your faith or, in other words, cause it to be inactive. Inactive faith is active fear! Active fear robs you of the Word that is in your heart (the real you, your issues that pertain to life). Remember, when your faith is active, you are able to overcome the world. (1 John 5:4). Pressure has a way of making situation and things look unbelievable to overcome. Pressure distorts all perception (making the Word of God of no effect in your life). Distorted perception has the fruits of blowing everything out of proportion. Satan uses pressure to make you feel all by yourself. In this use of pressure he uses shame, past failures, lack and hurt feeling. I am saying right now that you are never alone.
God’s spirit (the Helper) and presents are there with you now. Let us look at Mark 4:38 where the Lord was sleeping and they awake Him and said to the Lord, Master; do You not care that we are perishing? The pressure they were experiencing caused them to doubt His care for them and His present with them (the Word that is hide in your heart).When this happens, you being to feel forsaken. Pressure has a way of robbing you of your confidence in God’s ability to see you through and it can (if you allow it) actually cause you to just sit down and quit.
This kind of pressure has an effect on the soul, no growth. In verse 40, Jesus responded: Why are you so timid and fearful? How is it that you have no faith—no firmly relaying trust? (Amplified Version)
We, members of BTM, are ordained by God to be as Ps 125:1,”Those
who trust, lean on and confidently hope in the Lord are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides and stands fast forever.” You can do it! The way that you can do is to hold on to your peace. 1st thing to do is to cast down every thought or imagination that doesn’t line up with the Word of God. 2nd, learn to speak the Word out loud. This is literally how you bring every thought into the obedience of Christ. (2Cor 10:5 ). Peace is the absence of stress, pressure. Living a pressure free life is possible, but it takes work on our part. Here are a few things (smile) for you to look up:
Isaiah 26:3 John 10:10 Mark 5
John 16:33 1 John 4:4 Luke 8
1 Peter 5:8 Pro 23:18 1 King 8:56
Matt 6:25 Jeremiah 29:11 Act 20:24
Psalm 23:1 Philippians 1:20 Psalm 92:15
Peace be unto you